Sunday, May 19, 2013

泰式按摩 (Tài​ shì àn​ mó) - Thai massage

PHOTO: 泰式按摩 (Tài​ shì àn​ mó) - Thai massage


泰式按摩发源于古印度的西部,创始人是印度王的御医吉瓦科库玛,他至今仍被泰国人民奉为医学之父。他的传统医药及按摩知识技法由传教的僧人带入泰国,并由泰 王召集,广泛吸收他们的传统医药及按摩的宝贵经验,并铭刻在大理石上,镶嵌于瓦特波的卧佛寺的游廊壁上。并成为训练传统泰式按摩的基地。

Thai massage originated in ancient India (western India), by a physician, 吉瓦科库玛, of the Indian king. He is still being regarded as the father of medicine by the Thai people. His traditional medicine and massage techniques is brought by missionary monks into Thailand and convened (brought together) by their King. They absorb a wide range of traditional medicine and massage valuable experience. These are engraved on the marble Gallery wall in Wate Bo Temple of the Reclining Buddha. It has become a training base for traditional Thai massage.

泰式按摩 (Tài​ shì àn​ mó) - Thai massage

PHOTO: 泰式按摩 (Tài​ shì àn​ mó) - Thai massage


Thai massage is one of the ancient Thai medical culture, with over 4,000 years of history. Ancient Thai royal family use it for physical fitness, and is one of the methods for treatment of physical strain. After the Thai government, and regulatory development actively promoting it in recent years, Thai massage became well known. It has great importance to Sino-foreign natural treatment.

泰式按摩 (Tài​ shì àn​ mó) - Thai massage
PHOTO: 泰式按摩 (Tài​ shì àn​ mó) - Thai massage

泰式古法按摩,除了大家熟悉的关节纾整外,更有自成一套的经脉、穴位按压及伸展理论。利用手指、手臂、膝部和双腿等按摩对方穴位,又在肌肉和关节上按压和伸 展,令身体、精神和心灵回复平衡,促进血液循环、呼吸系统、神经系统、消化系统运作正常和肌肉皮肤新陈代谢。定期进行,令人体精神和肉体保持最佳状态。

Traditional Thai massage, beside familiar with joint treatment, also make use of our pulses (heartbeats), acu-pressure, and stretching theory. It applied massage on each acupuncture point of the Fingers, arms, knees and legs. By pressing and stretching the muscles and joints of the body, mind and soul, to redress the balance and promote blood circulation. This also helps the respiratory system, nervous system, digestive system  and  muscle skin metabolism to function normally. On a regular basis, it maintains and keep to the best condition the body mentally and physically.

泰式按摩 (Tài​ shì àn​ mó) - Thai massage
PHOTO: 泰式按摩 (Tài​ shì àn​ mó) - Thai massage

法 1、点(压)
法 2、揉(拿)
法 3、推
法 4、劈叩
法 5、踩(跪)
法 6、运动关节法

Thai massage is ancient Thai King's highest courtesy to entertain the Royal VIP. Presently  ladies, gentlemen  and partly by the blind, are currently engaged in this work. It is mainly divided into two categories; health  massage and relaxation massage.
(1st) Finger Method:
1. points (pressure) method
2. kneading (take) method
3. Push method
4. Split knock (Vibrate) method
5. Step (kneeling)

6. Joint movement (rheumatism, gout, acute inflammatory arthritis)

泰式按摩 (Tài​ shì àn​ mó) - Thai massage
PHOTO: 泰式按摩 (Tài​ shì àn​ mó) - Thai massage


(2nd) The special characteristics of Thai massage:
1. Towards the heart: Thai massage is generally from the foot and toward the body's center of the multi-row pressure points, by the combination of techniques.
2. Delicate: Thai massage use more delicate acupressure techniques, stretch, push, pinch, focusing on the human limbs and large muscle groups, so that the power from the palm can uniformly penetrated through to the depths of the muscle, to improve the blood pressure and circulation.

泰式按摩 (Tài​ shì àn​ mó) - Thai massage

PHOTO: 泰式按摩 (Tài​ shì àn​ mó) - Thai massage

3. Joint mobility: refers to the pressure of the neck, waist, four-finger rotation, twisting back and pull back method are techniques widely used.
4. Treatment of health in 2 ways: Thai massage to eliminates fatigue, relaxes the muscles and regulates emotions. In addition it also significantly reduces muscle damage, gout and inflammation.

泰式按摩 (Tài​ shì àn​ mó) - Thai massage
PHOTO: 泰式按摩 (Tài​ shì àn​ mó) - Thai massage


Thai health massage is a popular Thai massage, which evolved from our traditional massage. It is mainly focus on reducing joint problems, concise methology and practical usage. It is one of the better choice of health care. The main focus is on chronic joint problems, unlike Chinese massage which focus on immediate injured areas. It is simple to learn, of moderate difficulty, and practical to use.

泰式按摩 (Tài​ shì àn​ mó) - Thai massage
PHOTO: 泰式按摩 (Tài​ shì àn​ mó) - Thai massage

泰式按摩非常注重背部、腰部的舒展,按摩师从脚趾开始一直作业到头顶才算结束一套动作,从足部向心脏方向进行按摩。手法几乎涵盖了按、摸、拉、拽、揉、捏等 所有动作.泰式按摩是跪式服务,左右手交替动作,用力柔和、均匀、速度适中、顺序进行。浴后经泰式保健按摩,可以使人快速消除疲劳,恢复体能,还可增强关 节韧带的弹性和活力,恢复正常的关节活动功能,达到促进体液循环,保健防病,健体美容的功效。

Thai massage attaches great importance to the back and waist stretchable area. Masseur massage starts  from the toes till to the top of the head before considered the end of a session (Massage from the foot towards the heart). In practices almost every massage has, press, touch, pull, rub and pinch. Thai massage includes kneeling service, alternating from the left to right side, and varies from hard to soft forces. Speed is uniform and moderate. The bath after the Thai health massage, quickly eliminate fatigue, restore physical fitness. A Thai massage also enhance the flexibility of ligaments and improve vitality, restore normal joint function, promote fluid circulation, enhanced health resistance to illness, and disease prevention, fitness and has beauty effects.

泰式按摩 (Tài​ shì àn​ mó) - Thai massage
PHOTO: 泰式按摩 (Tài​ shì àn​ mó) - Thai massage

泰式按摩是各种按摩中最激烈的,按摩时无需使用按摩油。按摩师从脚趾开始向上按摩至头顶结束,其中背部、腰部和关节是按摩重点。按摩师利用两手、两臂、两脚 及全身重量滚压、伸展、拉抻体验者的身体,刺激肌肉和结缔组织。按摩过程中会感到疼痛,尤其是第一次体验者,可能受不了泰式按摩的大动作,负责的按摩师会 与体验者沟通按摩力度,并提醒其彻底放松身体、不要拧着劲。

Thai massage is one of the most intense massage. The massage does not use massage oil intensively. Masseurs focus from the toes to the top of the head, including the back and waist. For the joint massage masseur uses his hands, arms, feet, and body weight to roll and stretch the body. The muscles is stimulated and experienced relief from stress. Massage process could be painful, especially during the first time. There is the possibility of not able to withstand the Thai massage, but responsible masseur will regulate the use of force. We are reminded to completely relax the body, and not to response stressfully.

泰式按摩 (Tài​ shì àn​ mó) - Thai massage
PHOTO: 泰式按摩 (Tài​ shì àn​ mó) - Thai massage

如果你希望活动关节、舒缓肌肉、增强身体柔韧性,又不愿或没有时间主动运动,不妨试试泰式按摩。这种按摩其实是对体验者施以的被动瑜伽,利用独特的推拉蹬摇 踩等手法,通过压足、压腰、踩脊等方式作用于肌肉筋膜和关节等部位,按摩后如同进行了高强度运动。 (其他功效——缓解身心疲劳、加速脂肪燃烧、调节胃肠等脏器功能、增强免疫力)。 

泰式按摩 (Tài​ shì àn​ mó) - Thai massage
PHOTO: 泰式按摩 (Tài​ shì àn​ mó) - Thai massage
If you want to reduce joint problems, soothing your muscles, strengthen the body's flexibility, and do not want to or do not have the time to exercise, try Thai massage. This massage provides real experience by passive like yoga. Using a unique sliding kick and shake approach from the presser foot, pressure on the waist is applied. Foot ridge muscle section and other parts of massage results are just like going through a high-intensity exercise. (Other benefits include easing the physical and mental fatigue, accelerate fat burning, adjust gastrointestinal & other organ function, and have  stronger immunity).

泰式按摩 (Tài​ shì àn​ mó) - Thai massage
PHOTO: 泰式按摩 (Tài​ shì àn​ mó) - Thai massage

泰式按摩 (Tài​ shì àn​ mó) - Thai massage
PHOTO: 泰式按摩 (Tài​ shì àn​ mó) - Thai massage

泰式按摩 (Tài​ shì àn​ mó) - Thai massage
泰式按摩 (Tài​ shì àn​ mó) - Thai massage
PHOTO: 泰式按摩 (Tài​ shì àn​ mó) - Thai massage
Translated by MDBG Chinese-English Dictionary,, and Google Translate
